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IV Ketamine Therapy

In recent years there has been considerable advancement for the role of IV Ketamine infusions for patients suffering from chronic pain with or without concomitant depression. Ketamine is a pharmaceutical that has existed for decades it has historically been used to create a dissociative hypnotic state. As the drug came to market, it became clear that Ketamine at certain dosages had the potential do induce a psychotic state with corresponding hallucinations.  As such, it generally fell out of favor as a pharmaceutical tool in most medical settings, until recently.   

Alternatively, in the 1970’s and 80’s, Ketamine found its way into the recreational drug category, due to its touted ability to help a person “explore their inner psyche and altered state of consciousness.” Through the 1970’s and 1980’s Ketamine’s non-medical availability increased, as did its modalities for administration. There were recreational powders, it was crystallized, and the medication was bound to other synthetic ingredients such as MDMA otherwise known as Ecstasy.

In recent years Ketamine has re-emerged as a treatment tool for pain physicians and psychiatrists, first as a tool for complex regional pain syndrome; and now as modality in the treatment of difficult and refractory pain conditions as well as depression.

Ketamine through its unique mechanisms of action has what we term “anti-hyperalgesic” effects for pain, and anti-depressant and anti-suicidal effects. In addition, with the correct supervisions and screening process the medication appears to be generally safe.

Of note: Hyperalgesia occurs when pain receptors in the body take on a life of their own “so to speak,” and become sensitized to painful stimuli. The result is an excessive painful response to something painful. The example that is classically used to describe hyperaglesia is as follows. A normal person in response to a pinprick would experience some level of pain, they may rate this pain as 2-3/10 on the standard Visual Analog Scale. However, a person with hyperaglesia will experience a significant increase in their pain response, and in response to the pinprick will rate their pain at say 8/10.  The person suffering from hyperalgesia will clearly have a much more severe and negative experience.

Ketamine through its ability to specifically target certain aspects of the NMDA receptor helps to curb this state of hyperalgesia, and thereby has the potential to reduce chronic pain and improves functioning. In addition, literature and reports, suggest that Ketamine’s effects on chronic pain and depression, far outlast the actual drugs level within the human body. This makes it particularly appealing.


To learn more, speak with your physician about the availability of IV Ketamine Infusions at Integrative Pain Care.


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